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Mr. Dudeguypants (me) is reviewing stuff on Amazon.
Wait, that didn't come out like I meant. Check it: Amazon (yup, that Amazon) invited me to their Vine program, where I can order 8 items per day, for free, as long as I write a quality review.
There's a lot of small print, but that's the gist.
You don't need more stuff so only buy it if you love it.
I hope you love it.
Other Videos
If you're one of the almost 87(!) people to visit this site, you know I'm not jsut some review-stuff-one-trick-pony-guy. I also love making other videos. You can find them here in the "Other Videos" section.
Remember Covid-19? Remember lockdown? Everybody dealt with it. I made videos. 100 of them. I did a video every day for the first hundred days of quarantine, and some of em came out pretty great. Also I didn't start until the 3rd day of lockdown. For best results, you should probably go watch all of them. Nowish.
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